Example 1

The following is an example of defining a deployment to Artifactory:


Deploy ExampleDeployment {

    By Artifactory MyScript {
        FromSource 'myscript.ps1'
        To 'http://artifactory.local:8081/artifactory'
        Tagged Prod
        WithOptions @{
            Credential = $script:artifactoryCred
            Repository = 'myscripts'
            OrgPath = 'MyOrg'
            Module = 'MyCoolModule'
            BaseRev = '0.1.0'
            FileItegRev = ''
            Properties = @{
                generatedBy='Joe User'
        WithPreScript {
            $script:artifactoryCred = Get-Credential -Message 'Artifactory credential'

The deployment above will issue a PUT request using Invoke-RestMethod to the URL http://artifactory.local:8081/artifactory/myscripts/MyOrg/myscripts/myscripts-0.1.0.ps1;generatedOn=2016-04-20;generatedBy=Joe User using the specified credential and upload the file myscript.ps1 specified in FromeSource.

The properties generatedOn and generatedBy are extra meta data properties that are attached to the artifact. You can search on these properties within the Artifactory interface or using the API.

Example 2

Rather than having the Artifactory deployment automatically construct a path based on the OrgPath, Module, BaseRev, FileItegRev options, you can optionally use a Path parameter to specify an explicit path to deploy the artifact to.

Deploy ExampleDeployment {

    By Artifactory MyScript {
        FromSource 'myscript.ps1'
        To 'http://artifactory.local:8081/artifactory'
        Tagged Prod
        WithOptions @{
            Credential = Get-Credential -Message 'Artifactory credential'
            Repository = 'myscripts'
            Path = 'my/custom/path/myscript.ps1'            

This deployment will issue a PUT request using Invoke-RestMethod to the URL http://artifactory.local:8081/artifactory/myscripts/my/custom/path/myscript.ps1