This is a quick example showing a CopyVMFile deployment. PSDeploy can be used to deploy artifacts on the VM running on top of Hyper-V host running Server 2012 R2 and above using this deployment type :

In this example, we are running the PSDeploy on the Hyper-V host running VM named 'WDS' and we need to deploy a InstallScript and few required files which this script reads to the VM. Here's the deployment config, CopyFilesToVM.PSDeploy.ps1:

Deploy CopyFilestoVM {

    By CopyVMFile InstallScript {
        FromSource 'InstallScript.ps1'
        To 'C:\PSDeployTo'
        Tagged Dev
        WithOptions @{
            Name = 'WDS'
            FileSource = 'Host'
            CreateFullPath = $true

    By CopyVMFile RequiredFilesFromAFolder {
        FromSource 'DummyFolder'
        To 'C:\PSDeployTo'
        Tagged Prod, Module
           WithOptions @{
            Name = 'WDS'
            FileSource = 'Host'
            CreateFullPath = $true

Here are the source files:


We run Invoke-PSDeploy from C:\PSDeployFrom, and deployments ask for confirmation and it runs as expected:


We can verify on the VM named 'WDS' that the required files were deployed.
