PlatyPS allows you to write External PowerShell Help using Markdown.

You can learn more at the Github Page.

Example 1


Here's an example Deployment config:

Deploy MyModule {
    By PlatyPS {
        FromSource 'docs'
        To "MyModule\en-US"
        Tagged Help, Module
        WithOptions @{
            Force = $true

This deployment takes the markdown files from the docs folder and and converts them to an external MAML help file in the MyModule\en-US directory. Force will overwrite the destination if it exists.

Example 2


This example shows using Unicode as the Encoding.

Deploy MyModuleUnicode {
    By PlatyPS {
        FromSource 'docs'
        To "MyModule\en-US"
        Tagged Help, Module
        WithOptions @{
            Force = $true
            Encoding = ([System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode)

This deployment takes the markdown files from the docs folder and and converts them to an external MAML help file in the MyModule\en-US directory using the command New-ExternalHelp.

The option Encoding is used in this example and sets the Help encoding. There are some instances where a different encoding is needed. This normally shouldn't be needed.