
Chocolatey is an open source package manager for Windows. It's built on top of the Nuget framework which allows for storing the packages in a repository. For more information on what Chocolatey is you can learn more at the Chocolatey website or the Github Page.

There is a community feed available, but most organizations host their own private repositories. For more information on setting up your own repository see How To Host Your Own Package Repository Server.


The local system must have Chocolatey installed in order to do the deployment.


The options ApiKey and Force map directly to the ApiKey and Force parameters in the choco push command.


Deploying a single package


Here's an example Deployment config:

Deploy SingleChocolateyPackage {
    By Chocolatey {
        FromSource 'c:\ChocolateyPackages\examplepackage.0.1.1.nupkg'
        To "http://your-choco-repo.internal.com/"
        WithOptions @{
            ApiKey = 'yourAPIkey'
            Force = $true

This deployment takes the file examplepackage.0.1.1.nupkg from the specified location and runs choco push to deploy the package to the internal repository.

Deploying a group of packages from a directory


This example shows using Unicode as the Encoding.

Deploy DirectoryChocolateyPackage {
    By Chocolatey {
      FromSource 'c:\ChocolateyPackages'
      To "http://your-choco-repo.internal.com/"
      WithOptions @{
          ApiKey = 'yourAPIkey'
          Force = $true

This deployment pulls all of the nupkg files from the directory c:\ChocolateyPackages and pushes each package to the internal repository.